Mental Health & Wellness Monterey - PTSD Therapy

PTSD & Counseling

In EMDR, Trauma by Mary-Anne Wijting

Post-traumatic stress is real and is very difficult to deal with emotionally. One of the key symptoms of PTSD is a feeling of being disconnected from society or of feeling “unplugged”. Among the many symptoms that PTSD victims suffer from, this is a big one. The good news: counseling can help.

Why connection matters

Human beings are hard-wired for connection. We thrive when we feel connected, when we feel that we belong to a family, when we can share our experiences with others, both good and bad. Our tribe and our place in it are extremely important! Being a part of something bigger than us or having a sense of being connected to even just one other human being gives us a sense of purpose and significance.

Connecting includes being able to make friends and being able to get along with others, particularly our loved ones; being able to have a genuine relationship with another person; being able to trust. Trauma makes this very hard to do. People with PTSD may feel desperate for connection but may not know how to get “unfrozen” or how to plug back in.

Who is affected by PTSD?

PTSD affects people from all walks of life. We often think of soldiers returning from the atrocities of war and survivors of terrible accidents, but there are also those who suffered through domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, rape and many other traumatic situations. PTSD can be triggered by any life situation that has caused significant trauma reactions such as fear, rage, and mental collapse.

Symptoms of PTSD

Sufferers of PTSD find it hard to be social, spontaneous, to have fun or play. They may feel locked in a state of hyper-arousal with symptoms of panic, hyper vigilance, flashbacks, rapid breathing, etc. Sometimes the opposite is true where clients complain of fuzzy thinking, feeling vacant, feeling nothing, with numbed emotions and unable to feel vitally connected or present in the moment.

People who are traumatized find it hard to sense what’s happening in their bodies. They often can’t find the words to describe what’s going on with them. Worst of all, they are not aware or can’t put into words what’s upsetting them.

Counseling for PTSD

How can counseling help you?

  • It will help you feel safe and teach you how to trust
  • It will help you expand your level of tolerance to emotions such as fear, anger and helplessness
  • It will give you space to express the guilt, shame, anger, rage and hostility you feel in a caring and loving environment

I love helping sufferers of trauma. I utilize a technique called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy) that has been shown very effective to alleviate the consequences of trauma. See this page and this counseling blog post for more on this technique.

Contact me for a free counseling consultation today. My counseling practice is situated in Monterey and my contact number is 831-444-1747.

Mary-Anne Wijting, Counselor

PS: I accept payment from several insurances and payers: Aspire, Coastal, MBIPA, MHN, HMC Healthworks, Victims of Crime. Check on your insurance card under Mental Health benefits to verify what coverage you have.

Many clients pay cash for their sessions (my fee is $125 per session or lower negotiated rate in special circumstances) and then submit the superbill provided by me to their insurance for possible reimbursement. See here under the FAQ section for some more information.